Artists' and Artisans' Place

Help! We Need Blogs to promote our work. But HOW do we do them!

by Jenny Stewart
Jenny Stewart Professional  
Ok - this is a cry for help!

We know that one of the best ways for artist and artisans to promote our work is through blogs, that link to our site as well. This may include examples of our work, articles on our chosen subject, advice to those who are just beginning in their chosen art or craft. etc.

But, as a Grade One Computer Klutz - what I would like to find out is HOW to set up these blogs and where to find out the information to make them look good!

Is there anyone out there who can help!


May 30th 2007 07:49

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John Dilbeck Advanced   
Reading what I wrote in these comments is confusing, so I decided to make it a little more accessible and created a Squidoo lens about How to Blog on APsense:

Maybe that will be helpful.

Act on your dream!


Sep 8th 2007 04:59   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Wow John,

Thanks for the most excellent and comprehensive class on blogging and RSS feeds.

For my part is was as clear as mud, but thanks to your article, the mud is clearing.

It is rare to find an artisan who is computer literate - so I send an extra big welcome to the Group from all of us here.

Sep 10th 2007 06:12   
John Dilbeck Advanced   
Hi Jenny,

I'm still trying to learn the ropes here and I'm just now learning how to follow threads and see when there are replies. I didn't realize you had posted a reply.

Thank you for the welcome. I will try to check in here when I can.

I've been telling computers what to do for about 30 years and I'm fluent in computerese and geekspeak. I have a working knowledge of talking to people, too.


If I can help you and the other group members better understand blogging and related things, I'm happy to do what I can.

All the best,


Sep 12th 2007 20:24   
Muller Jeanfrancois Innovator   
Hi, Here are some of my paintings

Hi, Here are some of my paintings. I like landscapes, still life in cool colors and presently I am experimenting with abstract. Take time to look at my work. Relax. My work conveys my feelings and my views of life. I am not physically present but my painting is an expression of my inner feelings and emotions. I would like to know your inner reactions to what you see. You can leave a comment at the botton of this page, send me an email or call me. I appreciate any comment you make.

Dec 13th 2007 21:54   
winner4ever Innovator   
Hi Jenny,

I am coming back to Apsense after long time. I found your comment on my blog and am here in your group. Thanks for that.

Now your problem of creating blog is over, You just give me small description about your self and your work with all the stuff to be posted and i will create a blog for you. But give me the posts
in html format.

Visit my site which i have crated recently and would be working hard on it.

here is the link

Do reply me.

All the best
Aug 25th 2008 10:18   
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