Marketing Advice

How are you utilizing apsense?

by Bruce Bates Cooperative marketing
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
The majority of apsense users, have no idea of the true power that lies inside of apsense. It seems the majority come here, complete their daily tasks, make a post or two, and then leave only to come back and do the same thing the next day.

A few of the more prominent regulars, are a little more active posting in the groups they have joined, sending out emails, and the likes.

However for those who upgrade to pro membership or higher, there is a little hidden gem that most don't know about, and its a feature it seems very few people utilize despite its power.

The feature I am referring to is that of user ads. User ads are only available if you are an upgraded member but they are a POWERHOUSE when it comes to advertising. The way they work are simple.

You visit the advertising area of apsense and select user ads. You add your title, your text description, a graphical representation, and your like.

Why are these ads so important? They are the only non-paid ads on apsense that allow you to link offsite. This means search engines, eat those links up.

What even more important, is where these user ads appear, and its where they appear that makes them some powerful.

These ads appear on your profile pages, on any groups you create/own, on every image you upload, on every article you write, on every topic you create, on every question you ask, on every group post you make, literally on every piece of content you create on apsense, your user ads will display.

Look to the sidebar of this group to see an example of what I mean. Just find the "user's ads". The look at my profile. Visit any of my content....

I have direct links to my website floating all over apsense.

Anyone who is not utilizing this, should really consider it. If you are not upgraded.... well... I would really consider it for this feature alone!

If you have questions about this feature, feel free to reply to this post, or contact me privately.

So how are YOU utilizing apsense?
Dec 15th 2015 10:29

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Graham France Innovator  Helping People Live Better
Ill be perfectly honest and admit I joined Apsense as a way of showing my offer to more like minded people. At this early stage of my foray into Internet Marketing I was looking for as many free outlets as possible as I simply do not yet have the funds to go Pro on every site I join. I don't even know what the costs are. With my kind of offer do you think it would be worth it?
Dec 16th 2015 15:39   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
This may upset my dear friend Wincer but if you want my honest opinion, I do think its worth it for your kind of offer, but I don't think you are yet at the stage where its worth it for you.

Honestly you are going about marketing all wrong. Sure there are an infinite number of ways to market for free, but to what end. Free marketing is the longest slowest hardest method of marketing, and frankly most people who start out learning it, quickly learn free marketing is the wrong mindset, and those who don't figure that out, tend to never make money.

Never ever ever look at marketing as "is it free". Instead look at marketing and say "is the value of the return going to be worth the invested amount put in". At some point to move forward you have to test the waters and testing the waters, takes at least some money.

The best way to begin is to find a marketing method you think will work for your business, and spend a couple hundred bucks utilizing that method of marketing. So if you think social is the way to go, save up and spend a couple hundred on social, may $50 in facebook, $50 in twitter, an upgrade at linkedin, $50 in linked ads...

If instead you want to play your hand in the traffic exchange industry, spend that money on 5 or 10 exchanges. Learn the methods of creating splash pages, lead captures, etc.

Like I say there are a million ways to market, but expect to invest a little here and there.

Oh, and final note - I am a very very unusual marketer in that I am VERY VERY open upfront, and honest - even at the expense of my own pockets. Most others are not like me. NEVER ask anyone if some form of marketing or another is worth it. One they will lie for whatever is in their best interest. Two they do not know the answer. Only by testing will yo find a marketing method that works for your personality, and talents, and your business.

Hope this little bit of info helps you along your path :)
Dec 16th 2015 16:06   
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