Internet Marketing

The Psychological Marketing Blunders Most People Make

by Kowgirl
Kowgirl Advanced  
If your marketing isn't achieving your desired result,
this can literally only mean one thing:

Your words are not causing your readers' minds to be
in the state that you thought they would!

TIP #1: Avoid looking like an

TIP #2: Avoid looking like everyone
else. Check out some ads that you wouldn't
click on and do the opposite of what they are doing.

TIP #3: At all costs, avoid making huge promises
you know you can't keep. Don't hype.
Tell the truth, no one wants to hear any rich quick tale.
Try to look different from
everyone else, and draw people in more subtly.

All people have a curious streak play up to this
and get lots more traffic to your site.

Example: The title ...The Silent Killer

Did this peak your interest??

The ad: There are thousands of people who have this
disease but do not know it. Are you one of them?
Find out here..

At least 8 out of 10 people will click on this just to see
what the Silent Killer is. Or if they think they know,
they will click to see if they guessed right.

Try some psychological marketing and see what I mean.

Have a great day
May 29th 2007 12:52

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Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
Great idea, can you give us more information about Psy. Marketing?
May 29th 2007 13:52   
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