Old Timers Corner

Live to be old or live to be young

by Candice Hampton Accounting
Candice Hampton Advanced Accounting
I remember when I was younger and thinking about the year when
it was suppose to change from 1999 to 2000, that I would probably
be to old to enjoy it, cause of my perception of age. LOL

My parents are in their 70's which I have to remind myself all the time,
because you would never know it by the way they act. They have always
enjoyed life to its fullest-together. I think being active and enjoying whatever they are doing has kept them young at heart.

If you think you can't....you won't!
If you think you can...you will!
If you think you're old...you're mind and body will be!
Think young and watch the great grandkids grow up!
Sep 22nd 2007 11:12

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Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
How true Candy! I remember as a kid thinking the same way... When I was in 4th grade - in about 1970, I wrote a little story about what life would be like in the year 2010. I wish I had saved the story because I do remember it getting a lot of laughs from adults at the time when I referred to myself as being "ancient".

Perceptions certainly do change don't they? LOL

Sep 22nd 2007 12:05   
Candice Hampton Advanced  Accounting
So true Karen, I used to use that word to my parents, "ancient" and my mom would just shake her head, I bet she was thinking "you just wait it will be your time" lol
Nov 10th 2007 10:46   
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