Old Timers Corner

About Old Timers Corner

Welcome to the OLD TIMERS CORNER:

When you reach those “Golden Years” how many times have you said to yourself or someone else the following: I should have done that IF, I could have done that IF and I would have done that IF? Well, I will be the first to admit I have said those phrases many times and I am sure there are many others that have said the same. I am dedicating this group to those of us who have reached those “Golden Years” and have a positive mind set on how all of us can still make an impact on helping and changing the wants and needs of others. It would allow all of us to share our ideas and experiences to help others change their lives. Currently I am in internet Marketing and enjoy every second of it. I refuse to become a “couch potato”, so WELCOME again to the “OLDTIMERS CORNER” and let’s get it started in here.