The Law of Attraction Group

The Secret

by Karen Weir Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Karen Weir Committed Local Internet Advertising...
Hi Cindy! As you know I am a huge fan of The Law of Attraction, and I am very grateful to Rhonda Byrne for producing The Secret, which is responsible for getting the concept out to the masses.

The Secret is based on Wallce Wattles book, The Science of Getting Rich, which was written over 100 years ago and published in 1910. Wattles wrote other books as well, but he taught that the Science of Getting Rich was to be our first study.

As an internet and network marketer, I have taken numerous courses, seminars, and bought numerous "systems". I believe Wattles was right. Had I immersed myself in this information, I would have saved thousands and made them instead! LOL

I have no regrets though because I understand that all my previous experiences were required to get me where I am today. In fact, if I had been given "The Secret" those years ago, I may not have embraced it as I have today, and for that I am truly grateful!

Check out my blog article I posted here today for more of my thoughts on the LOA as it pertains to giving children an "edge".
May 28th 2007 20:54

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Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Thank you Karen for joining this group.
I have learned so much from you
I am glad your willing to share with others.

May 29th 2007 05:11   
Graham Hunt Advanced   
Another book written about the same time as Wattle's is Charles Haanel's MasterKey System. It covers much the same sort of material as Wattles and was orignally produced as a 24 part series. Haanel's book was considered so controversial it was banned by some branches of the Christian Church for about 80 years. There are a number of places in the net where you can get hold of it. If you want to access it for free go to and follow the links from the index page.
Jun 6th 2007 01:41   
Graham Hunt Advanced   
The other things I would say about The Law of Attraction is that it has to be just part of your mindset to work most effectively. Many people who I have spoken to have seen it more as something you add to your existing approach to life, almost like the shopping list you take with you when you go to the mall. Rather, from where I sit, LOA is only part of a much larger world view that takes in a whole range of subjects like who you understanding God to be (assuming you accept the concept of a higher entity) how you connect with other people and how you understand your purpose in lfe.
Jun 6th 2007 01:50   
Stephanie Advanced   
I am not sure the secret is just based on the book by Wattles. I think Wattles book the Science of getting rich was based on the secret. The secret is much older than that and includes much more than wealth.
Aug 17th 2007 19:09   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Hi Steph,

Maybe there's another "Secret", but the one we are speaking of, "The Secret" movie was produced by Rhonda Byrne and came out on the internet and DVD in March 2006. The book, "The Science of Gettig Rich" was written by Wallace Wattles and published in 1910.

Rhonda Byrne has clearly stated that her work was based upon Wattles writings and Charles Haanell's MasterKey System.

~ Karen ~
Aug 17th 2007 19:27   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
I've just recently joined this Yahoo Group about The Secret and the Law of Attraction.
Perhaps others here might be interested also:

Sep 9th 2007 03:04   
Ann Cook Advanced  
Hi Karen,
I am definetly a believer in The Law of Attraction! Like minds attract! The people that I attract definetly have the same mind set!

Ann Cook
Sep 18th 2007 07:47   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Welcome Ann, nice to have you here.
It is great to find people of like minds.
Sep 18th 2007 09:10   
Magic Mark Advanced  
For those of you that really related to the 'Secret' I would like to share another avenue that after reading now myself, I can clearly understand why my friends were so keen for me to have it. (By the way this is not a plug for affiliate deal here). The teachings of Abraham through Esther - Hicks publications is absolutely amazing! The video tapes and audio recordings of the various workshops Esther and Jerry Hicks do across America are incredible. Their site is should you ever like to peruse. A friend sent me Ask and it is given! and I have now just finished, The Astonishing Power of Emotions...and you know what, makes a lot of sense! Quite frankly, and its only my opinion, but now I understand why Esther-Abraham, didn't really want to go down the 'Secret' path. See what you think? Peace....
Sep 18th 2007 23:39   
Celestine Gray Advanced   
The concept behind "The Secret" is much older than Wattles. Even in the movie, Bob Proctor tells you that "The Secret" was hidden. Remember the part near the beginning of the movie where the young man buried a tablet? It's called The Emerald Tablet of Hermes.

The actual secret that is contained in the tablet has been around as long as man has existed! It is suppose to be shared with everyone on the planet, but most people are not accepting the information because of religious beliefs.
Aug 4th 2009 17:27   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
You said a mouthful with that last line Kristin.
I put a site together that may be of interest to you.
it is totally generic didn't even put it on my own domain.

remove the 2 sets of ( ) links won't display in comments to keep from spamming

Mar 26th 2011 13:22   
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