Branding Yourself

What works for me

by Brad Parent
Brad Parent Advanced  
Hi Robert, This is a good concept for a new group. Our Mentors in Motion Xooma Marketing Team places great importance on branding yourself as part of building relationships with people who have never met you. I have had good results by consistently using the same picture on all of the sites I am involved with, as well as making sure to use my full name with the first letters in caps, not lowercase. I have heard it said that once people have seen your name in print 7 times, they feel as though they know you, even if they've never met you, and people generally feel comfortable with this formal way of showing a proper name. On the internet many of us have got in the habit of not capitalizing our names, but if you do it makes a big difference in people's attitude towards you as a person they can trust, and ultimately in the trust they place in your product or opportunity. Hope this little diatribe helps to contribute something of value to your group.
Sep 15th 2007 18:01

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Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
Hi, Brad Parent
Would you mind sharing more your idea on branding here?

Sep 16th 2007 02:25   
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