Women Working From Home!!

Please Remember!!!

by Elise
Elise Senior  
Hello Everybody,

I would like to personally ask each U.S. member of this group to take a moment today to remember all of those who have served, and are currently serving in the U.S military. The freedoms and security we enjoy as U.S citizens is because of the unselfish efforts of the men and women proudly serving both here and abroad. Remember, the price for freedom is never free. Please join me on this Memorial Day by giving thanks for a job well done!!


Financial Freedom For Me Now!!
May 28th 2007 00:50

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
As a veteran of the US Army, thank you. Also to all the other vets out there thank you. May everyone have a safe and happy memorial day!
May 28th 2007 09:15   
Marion T. Committed   Independent Representative
Hi Elise & Everyone!

I want to wish everyone a Blessed and Safe Memorial Day! Never forget those that have fought for our freedom and those who are still fighting as well.

Thank You To The Troops for all you have done and are doing!!

God Bless You All!
May 28th 2007 09:26   
Alvin E Johnson Committed   Online Marketing Connection
I watched as many smacked their lips on bar-b-que and potato salad and all the trimmings. Many wore their best outfits and dressed up for the ocassion. Seems like we are falling out of the tradition and try to celebrate in memorial forgetting about the suffering of others as well as ourselves.

Our culture is leaning away from the traditional Memorial Services. The crowds have slackened at the graves, but we will not forget!

Thanks for the reminder! How will we forget the many lives that have been lost, or the families loved ones. Not only in memorial to those but all of our loved ones who have left us due to tradgedy and ill health. We remember you!

Al Johnson
May 28th 2007 11:58   
Cathy Romine Professional   SEO Advertising | SEO Online
God Bless Our Troops and
Bring Them Home Safely...

Help Us All To Overcome
the mess the world is in.

Cathy Romine
May 28th 2007 20:38   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Now that the memorial day holiday has come and gone for another year ~ Let's not forget to remember each and every day!

May 29th 2007 02:39   
janelle Innovator   
Hi Elise,
Thanks for the reminder! I have 2 sons in the National Guard. One was in Iraq for a year and a half. Thank God he came home safe. He is now married with a little boy and 2 stepdaughters. My dad was a Seebee in the Navy during WW2 . I lost a lot of friends during the Vietnam War. I support the troops, even if I don't agree with the politics of war.
May 29th 2007 10:08   
Nick Sym Innovator  
Thanks for the reminder! How could we ever forget the many lives that have been lost !
May 29th 2007 18:34   
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