Cash Mastermind

Hi and Here's the Info. on My Business

by Susan coils Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing...
I hope I can do justice in this testimonial to my favourite business opportunity.
I started playing around on the internet about 4months ago. I was amazed at the amount of promises that were made about becoming rich overnight, set it and forget it, lazy man's way to riches. Ashamed to say I fell for some of them but luckily for me I had no money to invest, so only signed up for free opps. (Lucky break number 1)

Then came my big break. I spotted an ad for OneStep4Income. Read the details and as it was free I decided to go for it. What I liked about this was that it made such perfect sense. There were no promises of overnight riches, everything was laid out for me to do. As a 'newbie' I had no clues at all myself. But this business gave me a 'daily to do list'. So simple even I managed to follow it. And before I knew it, I had a growing downline. It just took off by itself once I got the first few referrals.

I had loads of support from the owner, he must have got sick of my constant mails with questions but he always replied immediately. He is brilliant and so encouraging. I think because he remembers what it was like to be where I was when I joined.

Within less than a month I was ready to take the business (and my downline) to the next level and joined the next business in the system. I am now making money in this business. The downline is growing, same as it did in OSI, and I am confident that within 6 months I will be earning enough to give up my regular job.

I love OSI. It is fabulous, particularly if you are new to internet marketing and don't know what to do. I even gave a testimonial and you can see it on the website! (I used to think these were made up). So now I'm famous as well.
PLease check it out and if anyone has any questions about OSI, contact me and I will be happy to answer them for you.

This is my family business - at least it feels like it. I work closely with my upline, my downline, and not just about the business. This is what makes internet marketing worthwhile for me.

Aug 4th 2007 15:46

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Dawn The Golden Shop Senior   
Hi San,

Thank you so much for your heart felt testimonial to your business. I think you did your business some justice. I am checking it out now.


Aug 4th 2007 16:09   
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