Can't you just stop trying to wheel & deal me...?

So what do you think?

by Jenny Stewart
Jenny Stewart Professional  
Hi Michael

I couldn't resist the title of your Group - it was a must to join.

And when I got there......-I was hoping that you would start the discussion off! lol

Why do you think that people on the internet try to push their stuff onto you?.

I have two theories. One that half the people on line are not experienced salesmen and think that the hard sell is the only way - however much they hate it themselves.

The second is that half of them dont really have much of a product to sell - so if you are left to your own devices - you probably wont buy it - as there isnt much there to buy! lol But that is a little cynical and a little bit tongue in cheek too.

Alas y Cia Granada - The Place for Angel Lovers on the Web
Jul 19th 2007 16:28

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Jeannette Noding Senior   
Hello Michael,
I agree with Jenny, many people have the big misconception that just because they put their business in front of others that it will instantly sell. A lot of the hype is from the people that sold them the programs. They are inexperienced and not really sure where to get the experience.
It is my firm belief that in order to receive we must first give of ourselves without thought of what we are to get out of it. This will help more people be become successful.

God Bless,
Jul 19th 2007 22:40   
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