Let me teach you how to Promote

Plan4Power Team Builder Manager

by Cathy Romine SEO Advertising | SEO Online
Cathy Romine Professional   SEO Advertising | SEO Online
We promote as a Team Builders Group
helping the newest members to get their
first two to advance into the progression
for group fed, multiple paying company's...
We don't leave anyone behind that wants
to succeed.

I'll be glad to show anyone how it's done...

May 24th 2007 14:18

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Kathy Hamilton Committed   
The first step should be is teaching others how to build relationships between them selves and others first,
They all need to reprogram themselves and the way they were taught to think.
Best wishes, Kathy
May 24th 2007 17:56   
Cathy Romine Professional   SEO Advertising | SEO Online
That's Called Social Networking...People seem
to want newbies to think it's something new. It's
been around for along time.

My Best Advice, Meet and Greet when and
if you can, in the meantime find a really good
group of marketers to participate with as a Team
with no monthly fee's and you will succeed if you've
joined something that's been around for awhile.

To Much Junk On The Net Robbing People Blind.

Anyone that likes social networking (I love it) I
have many links to meet the right people on my website.
Don't be scammed.

Put Your Foot Down! Stop Scams...

Cathy Romine

May 24th 2007 18:56   
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