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Help for Newbies

by Douglas Wolfe Web Designer & Developer
Douglas Wolfe Committed   Web Designer & Developer
Many new people come into APsense on a continual basis. Many have a great time checking out all the features. Yet for many there are aspects of apsense outside their realm of experience. For all those questions you may have I am here to help in any way I can. Many others will help in this great community as well. So post any and all questions here. Once a question has been answered it will help not only the member asking it but many more who can come and find the answer without having to ask the same question. So join the group whether you have questions or you have the answers. Lets all help each other to get the most out of apsense.

Douglas Wolfe
Jul 17th 2007 14:11

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Edna Moore Advanced   
I hope a lot of the new people like me find this Discussion as it is a good place to help! I know I have just been reading a discussion started about posting the same ad in to many groups making it look like spaming and I had no idea that is what I looked like or the fact that every ad I posted went to the front page here on Apsense! I thought the only people who saw it were the people in the group! so I have learned from this!

now one question you might be able to help me with, my apsense express is freezing me up here! If it pops up letting me know that I had a message if my screen is moving it will freeze me everytime! Any ideas on how to fix this?

Jul 18th 2007 03:28   
Douglas Wolfe Committed   Web Designer & Developer
Hi Sissie,
What is happening is that when you get the pop up notification window changes the focus on your desktop. It should only last a second or two. If there is a way to change that behavior I am not aware of it. However someone else may know a way. If they do hopefully they will come in here and help us. Also APsense support does monitor some groups and will help when they see a question they can answer. I will also see if I can find any more information about it.
Douglas Wolfe
Jul 18th 2007 05:02   
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