
online writing is better to earn than clicking ads for penny

by anil gupta Accountant
anil gupta Senior Accountant
Clicking ads to earn on PTC site is easy means of earning but earning is very slow and not enough. Writing online is best than PTC sites.
Dec 15th 2013 08:57

Sponsor Ads


Hafiz 34 Professional   Doctor
what is the min payout there? how much per article or per view?
Dec 15th 2013 09:01   
Kojo A. Advanced  Programmer, Computer Science Studen
There are some PTC sites that have typing jobs available as well.
Dec 15th 2013 09:09   
anil gupta Senior  Accountant
Minimum payout is 1000Rs. Pay per view is differ for every month. For December it is 8$ per 1000 views. You can earn upfront income for you articles. Minimum words is 250. Join it. Good luck
Dec 15th 2013 09:22   
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