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by Bridgette Porter
Bridgette Porter Advanced  
Listen yall,Why do some supposedly homeless people walk up to you have on brand NEW air jordans and then beg for a dollar and just as you get ready to give em the buck, you look down and see their shoes cost more than your whole outfit makes me wonder if they are doing it for a livin or somethin,then get mad when you walk away from them and they bust out and curse you about your money! WHAT IS GOING ON TODAY!Don't get me wrong I'll give if a person is hungry or if they're lookin so tattered I'll go and buy em some clothes,but this person was definitely a crack head and I had to bust out laughing when he said I just found these.I said yeah right outta the box and walked off and told him if your gonna panhandle then look the part, you dont even stink!
Jul 15th 2007 19:07

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Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
Look the Part >> these are strong words.

I believe very strongly in people needing to look the part.

There are a lot of people online that declare themselves a big shot only to turn around and send you to a starter website to join some dime-store program.

You need to do what it takes to get what you want. I am sure others would agree that we hope what you want it bigger and better.


Jul 16th 2007 00:26   
welcome Innovator   
i was one of them my ma couldn't avoid anything I'm 17 my hole life i couldn't act like we were broke so remember you cant always act the part but u know sooner or later u will
Jul 16th 2007 00:52   
Bridgette Porter Advanced   
To welcome I understand where you are coming from I used to be in those shoes also but I didnt mean to create feelings in anyone or being mean sometimes humor has no tact,because when I was a kid that was the only part we played and it wasn't very funny .That was just somthin that happened in my day and because the guy got mad at me it made me chuckle a bit thats all.
Jul 16th 2007 20:19   
Patrick Pierre Professional   #1 Explore The World...
"Thanks to this profitable opportunity. I was approached
many times before but each time I passed on it. I am so
glad I finally joined just to see what one could expect in
return for the minimal effort and money required.

Jul 16th 2007 22:58   
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