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Introducing ourselves to the group

by Douglas Wolfe Web Designer & Developer
Douglas Wolfe Committed   Web Designer & Developer
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for joining this group. As we grow it will become harder to keep track of who is who. So lets all introduce ourselves to each other. Who we are and what we do, where from, what our interest are or just a bit about ourselves.
Jul 10th 2007 15:51

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Douglas Wolfe Committed   Web Designer & Developer
Hello everyone,
Thank you for joining our group. It looks we have a great group of people here. I live in North Texas which actually is still a part of the United States, though we seem to forget that here sometimes.
I have been a systems administrator, database engineer and CIO/CTO over the years. My children call me a computer geek. I have been working with computers since 1979, online since 1997. I started working for myself in 1999.
Although I have made my living on the Internet. I did it through services more than anything else. My main services are in the web hosting and design areas now. Most of my work is online but gotten through contacts offline. I am not any kind of marketing or affiliate guru. I do have some experience in those areas. I have been into advertising on the Internet for ten years. For myself as well as clients.
I sit at this desk far to many hours. I have to force myself to walk away from it from time to time.
We have 5 children and 6 grand children. We also two more grand children on the way. Those are my pride and joy, they are why I work like I do.
Like most in our area of endeavors. I have tried many programs and been burned by some. Some just did not fit me well or I did not fit them well.
I started going back to school, classes started July 9th. I am going for a degree in Web design. My kids tease me about starting school the same year as my grandson.
That's probably a little to much about me. I am very glad to be here with this group of people and hope we can all help each other out for a long time to come. I have only been on apsense since July1st. Yet I already think of it as my new home on the Internet. The potential here is awesome and the set up is great.
Here's to all of our success through friendship, teamwork & perseverance.
Douglas Wolfe
Jul 10th 2007 15:52   
No longer an active member Professional  
Good idea Douglas.

Hi everyone,

my name is Iñaki Legorburu. My parents were Basque from Bilbao in the north of Spain, I was raised in Southampton in the south of England, I studied engineering at Glasgow University, where I also had the privilege of playing for the leading student golf team in the UK, I graduated and travelled as an expat for Shell Shell, eventually settling in the Netherlands where I moved on to business and IT consultancy, and now run a Dutch language based coaching & training firm with my Dutch wife Eelkje.

I always believe in the power of short sentences... lol!

In short, I have developed a passion for success in network marketing, I have had the privelege of meeting people such as Don Failla, and together with Don and his wife nacny, and some other well known names in our industry, such as Mike G (Michael G Glaspie), we are now working together in the brand new entertainment business arround which I have set up a couple of groups.

I look forward to sharing experience with all of you,
Iñaki Legorburu
on behalf of BBMES Support for uVme

Jul 26th 2007 04:16   
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