Here's the brief rundown of what makes an affiliate program lucrative for you, and the future:

* Cookies for years instead of days or months!

It's imperative to understand that you need the edge to make more in the passage of time. Expect outstanding growth when the cookie duration is set to, six years for example, like the Cosmic Master's Hypnosis Affiliate Program.

* Rewards repeat sales: Most happy customers are willing to order again (for years!) - why not cash in from monumental growth? Again, the Cosmic Master's affiliate program credits you sales multiple times over for the same referral.

Sounds Groundbreaking So Far?

Having said that, the products sold must be of unsurpassable quality so to speak.

For example a referral goes to the Cosmic Master website and orders $1000 worth of programs - how much you make for this scenario? $400

$400 for one customer.

Now multiply that by 100 referrals.

$400 x 100 = $40,000

That's forty thousand smackers.

Imagine 1000 sales per annum.

You're well into six figures.

The consensus is to promote affiliate programs with lifelong shelf value and many repeat sales on present and future products. Else, you are spinning your wheels without considering the bottom line of a multiple-income stream of the affiliate bunch.

Next Article: Super Affiliate Secrets

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