As you already may know, the term ?Affiliate Programs" are programs through which a merchant pays commissions to his affiliates in exchange for generating clicks, leads, or sales. Also, you can meet other terms such as ?associate programs", ?partner programs", ?referral programs", or ?revenue sharing programs". It is the same thing in general, just named differently.


At Click2Sell we call it Online Affiliate Programs as we have many active affiliates who are part of our integrated affiliate network and merchants who promote their products and their programs to affiliates. This relationship between merchant and affiliate gives better sense to call those programs ? affiliate programs.


The mechanism of participating in affiliate program typically is the following: merchant joins affiliate marketing network and lists his products in Online Marketplace. Then Affiliates sign up with a merchant?s affiliate program and start to advertise his products. For all successful sales merchant pays affiliate a commission, based on affiliate program conditions. In some online affiliate programs reward for affiliate endeavor can be based on new user registrations or any other user action. In order to assign commissions for sold products to certain affiliates correctly, most often affiliate programs are helped by affiliate tracking programs, which track every visitor, best converting keywords, every sale and other essential to online marketing information.


You may find best affiliate programs online on Sign Up Marketplace. We review each listed program manually, so only quality affiliate programs can be found there. Also, for your convenience we made few separate lists:
If you want to benefit from Click2Sell reporting system and raise your affiliate marketing campaign performance to a qualitatively new and higher level with affiliate tracking capabilities-Sign Up ? it?s free!

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