Marketers CooperativeThe marketers cooperative has been one of the greatest learning experiences of my entire life. What I once envisioned as the marketers cooperative is so far off from what it has turned into that its almost like a completely different cooperative. 

When I started I barely had an idea and no idea how to implement it. I made error after error, worked with all the wrong people, targeted all the wrong customers and did everything wrong that could be done. 

However every step of the way has helped me mold the marketers cooperative into what it is becoming today.

Today the marketers cooperative is proud to call itself a legally registered cooperative out of Littleton CO. We are also proud to say we are internationally recognized by and proudly are able to display the internationally recognized cooperative marquee. 

As a cooperative we have created the worlds first social advertising platform. That does not mean we are like facebook which is a social networking website which offers advertising features. Instead we are actually a social advertising platform. 

What that means is we are a social network in which every piece of content you create and share, becomes a lifetime advertisement for you. 

If you write a blog post, upload a video, upload a pocast, upload an ebook, or interact via the cooperative forums, every single piece of content, turn into a lifetime advertisement that is displayed on other social networks and on other websites, not just once or twice, but for life. 

So if you share a video on marketers cooperative, every single day for the rest of time, that video will be shared on twitter, facebook, linkedin, and google+ as well as in the sidebars of various websites - which continuously expand as we grow. 

This is the only social advertising platform of its kind in existence and we just launched it. 

Tired of struggling for traffic and paying expensive fee's in upgrades?  This may be the exact solution you have been searching for.

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