MCCRMarketers Cooperative has been in development for years. 

It took a lot to learn all the laws behind being a cooperative, then developing a site, then getting others involved, then working with others to come up with a stable plan for missions and goals.

The fact is, creating a cooperative is a process and one I am happy to have learned.

Over the past few years, Marketers Cooperative has changed a lot. It will continue to grow a lot in the future as well.

Now however, we have an established plan that others can get involved with that actually makes sense, has solid useful products, has a solid investment opportunity, and realistically is at a point we are helping other marketers.

So lets start by talking about Marketers Cooperative Products. Products of course are the base of any business and without solid products a business is nothing more than a scam.

Marketers Cooperative Products & Services

Cooperative Web Hosting: Although many may consider web hosting cliche to offer, our web hosting is not like other hosts. We specifically went out looking for the best providers and data centers on the best backbones. We are on a backbone with a 45 millisecond latency. Our setup was created for performance and has been designed with the specific intent of running social networks. This means we can handle everything from safelists and mailers, to blogs that receive 10's of 1000's of hits a second. Our hosting, has no comparison and outperforms every VPS, shared host, dedicated host, and cloud host that exists. We have two price points based on size and speed requirements - both plans come with true unlimited bandwidth.

Cooperative Webinar Hosting: Marketers Cooperative webinar hosting is provided to us via a partnership with UnlimitedConferenceCall (tm). They are the 3rd largest web conferencing solution in the world. Webinars come with 1GB of stored video and auto recordings, a wall for adding meeting resource downloads and links, allows 50 web attendees and unlimited audio call in attendees. There are dial-in number provided for over 30 nations. The hosting is provided via their startmeetings platform. 

OSMP Website Upgrades: OSMP is the cornerstone product for Marketers Cooperative. It is an open source marketing platform that anyone may install and setup for themselves, and it is also the platform used by marketers cooperative. It features a traffic exchange, a safelist/viral mailer, a banner exchange, a social post exchange, an article exchange, a gaming network, a badge network and a social network. One can upgrade on the site to earn advertising and crypto rewards at a faster rate that free members.

OSMP Website Advertising Credits: Advertising credits can be purchased directly from Marketers Cooperative store without having to earn the or otherwise upgrade on the site.

MCCR: Marketers Cooperative Crypto Rewards are earned using the OSMP platform. These act as a crypto investment backed by Marketers Cooperative. Members of the website may visit the store and purchase additional MCCR. MCCR is a real cryptocurrency created by marketers cooperative. MCCR does exist on a blockchain and is a valid legit currency that can be proven. It is not listed in any exchanges nor on coin market cap as we privately control this coin for member usage. 

OSMP Plugins: Although the open source marketing platform is entirely free for anyone to download and install for themselves, some of the games require an additional purchase and we are also working on a few other plugins that will also be available for purchase over time. 

Marketers Cooperative Memberships

All of the services listed above are sold to the public at large. Purchasing a service from the cooperative does not make one a member of the cooperative, it simply makes them a member of the cooperative OSMP website.

To become a member one must pay dues. Dues can be paid monthly, quarterly, yearly, or for a lifetime.

Being a member of the cooperative is completely different from just being a member of the website. Members of the cooperative get many added perks not otherwise available. 

Marketers Cooperative Membership Features

Cooperative Web Hosting: As a marketers cooperative member one receives access to web hosting as part of their membership dues. This is the smaller of our two hosting packages and allows up to 200 GB of hosting per member. Hosting comes complete with Cpanel, Ftp, SSH, unlimited MySQL databases, unlimited bandwidth and unlimited hosted domains (within reason).

OSMP PreInstalledThe Open Source Marketing Platform can, at request of the member, come preinstalled on our hosting. We help each member configure and setup the platform so they may use it as their own advertising network to bring in their own sales and funnel people to their own businesses. 

Webinar HostingYour webinar hosting is provided to you absolute at no extra cost. You can use it to hold one on one conferences, group meetings, Q&A sessions, lectures or anything else you wish. There are no limits to how many conferences you may have nor any limits on how long or short meeting must be.

OSMP Website Upgrades: Each member receives an OSMP website upgrade every time they pay dues. Based on the specific time frame they opt to pay dues for, determines exactly what that upgrade will be. All upgrades are listed on the dues payment pages so there is no confusion as to what one receives.

MCCREach time a member pays their dues, they receive an allotment of MCCR based on how long they paid their dues for. Just like with upgrades this is listed on the dues payment page. Also each member is given the ability to mine MCCR to further increase the value of their holdings inside the cooperative. A member can mine roughly 300 MCCR a month on A $300 walmart laptop.

Account Funds: Each time a member pays dues, part of their dues are taken and added to their account funds. These funds can be used to purchase more MCCR, to purchase OSMP plugins and games, to purchase adveritising or advertising credits, or anything else that can be purchased from Marketers Cooperative Store.

Marketing Education
This is our cornerstone offer for becoming a member. We offer REALTIME bi-weekly education classrooms. These classes are only available to members of Marketers Cooperative. We educate about the latest in marketing practices, host to absolute take control over any market, how to achieve SEO, and all sorts of other things. Every single person who puts into practice the things learned in these classes will find success. These are not marketing practices that are here today and gone tomorrow. These are tried and tested and proven to work - no matter the changes of the internet mediums.

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