Selling Online? Expose your product to millions of potential new customers FREE!

The E-Commerce Associates (ECA) Program is a new program available on the Web that allows commercial sellers to market their products and services at TripleClicks alongside existing TripleClicks products and also from their own, separate TripleClicks "TConnect" Website.

How does it work?

In short, you'll list your products and they will become viewable by shoppers at our TripleClicks website. Shoppers may purchase your products by placing it in the TripleClicks shopping cart and checking out. We take care of all payment processing on your behalf and then forward you the order for fulfillment.

How much does it cost to participate in this program?

There is no cost to get started. Once accepted for participation in the program, you can list as many products as you'd like. TripleClicks simply retains a nominal percentage (minimum 15% of your retail price) whenever you make a sale. That's it!

Plug your products and services into TripleClicks

  • We take you global! Reach millions of potential customers worldwide on one of the fastest growing, international e-commerce sites on the Web.
  • We put the marketing muscle of over 1 million SFI affiliates to work for you, promoting and selling your products and services in over 20,000 cities in over 190 countries!
  • Simply sign up, submit your products and services, and get ready to take orders! It's quick, simple, and there's no risk because you pay nothing unless we get you sales.

For complete details, Click here Or go to:

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