Twitter seems to be one of those things that people 'get' or they don't. In principle, it seems easy enough. Appeal to people with the right interests and keep them happy by feeding them interesting stuff in those niches.

Of course, there are some catches, like trying to keep the message within 140 characters, including links and hashtags, but that is part of the appeal of the site.

Twitter has a number of external tools that can help to manage your Twitter accounts (yes, you can have multiple accounts without breaking the terms & conditions) and these make life easier by timing your tweets to certain times of the day, saving you from having to be online 24/7.

With the average life of a tweet being 18 minutes, you need to post 3 times an hour for around 16 hours a day to cover most of the world and you need to come up with enough variety in your tweets so that people don't get bored reading what you have to say and possibly unfollow you. Most of your tweets need to be informational rather than sales-ey too, otherwise, people will definitely tune you out.

It is usually better to point readers to a more information page, rather than straight to a sales page. It may mean that fewer people actually see the sales page, but those who do see it will be more interested.

Occasionally, you can do a 'direct to sales page' link, but you have to make it the exception rather than the rule.

If you're someone who doesn't get Twitter, but think you could, then take a look at this free info product -

If you get Twitter a bit and want to do better, then take a look at

Either way, consider how you could use Twitter to build your list, increase your affiliate sales or just get people to know you are a niche expert. It could be more effective than you think.

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