It might sound crazy, but success has rules. Many people have studied the rules of success by studying successful people and finding what made them different from the rest of the mere mortals who battle to achieve in life. Great books like "Think and grow rich" by Napoleon Hill is a masterpiece that has stood the test of time. The main focus of this book, is the rules of success as followed by the most successful people of the time.

At SFI the founder Gery Carson, who have been in business for more than 30 years also shares his Rules of Success for free, as part of the system to help affiliates achieve greater success.

Let me highlight some of the points that Gery mentions in his lessons.

The first rule is: Treat your business like a business. This might sound contradictive, even wrong, but if you really think about it, are you treating your business like a real business? Are you spending time, money and effort to make your business succeed or are you hoping somebody will make it happen for you? Are you expecting money to fall from the sky because you showed up? Having an internet business is just like a brick and mortar business, the only difference is the location.

The second rule I would like to mention is: Do something to grow your business everyday. This goes hand in hand with the first rule. Many business people get stuck in their business and they forget to spend time on their business. Make time daily to promote your business, find some new leads, some new advertising space or some new customers. Also make time to plan your business, how will you find more customers tomorrow, what are you doing today to retain your customers of today?

The last rule for today is specifically for people in the affiliate business. Lead by example. If you are lookig for followers, be a better leader so that people will want to follow you. Nobody wants to be told what to do, but they will follow you if you show them what to do.

If you would like to know more, or learn more, please visit this site here.

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