Time and time again, I return to these rules to remind myself.  I post this rule on my refrigerator, my computer and even on my phone.  These rules help me to bring things back in to focus.  I hope these reminders can help you as well. 

1.  Make peace with your past so you won't screw up the present.
2.  What others think of you is none of your business.
3.  Time heals almost everything, give it time.
4.  Don't compare your life to others and don't judge them.  You have no idea what their journey is all about.
5.  Stop thinking too much, it's alright not to know the answers.  They will come to you when you least expect it.
6.  No one is in charge of your happiness, except you.
7.  Smile, you don't own all the problems in the world.

These rules were brought to you by:
Whispers Of The Heart
(I didn't write these rules)

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