Scrub Brush 02I hear many people say they use diatomaceous earth as a detox. I do not think that statement is entirely true... there is just so much more to it than that.
This is the definition I got about Detox...
Detoxification=removal of toxic substances from a living organism

I have always had a very good imagination... at times it works overtime. I can see this picture I am going to describe for you very clear in my mind. I wish I were an artist so I could draw you what I am seeing... When you eat diatomaceous earth on a regular basis it is like a little man with a soft scrub brush scrubbing away on the inside of your digestive tract. He very patiently scrubs on the inside of your intestines day after day. He is using a soft brush so not to hurt you in anyway. Softly scrubbing day after day he is removing all of the yucky stuff that has been building up and sticking to the walls of your digestive track.

Not to freak you out.... but I think it might be the same principal as using drain cleaner on those slow running drains in your home. The drain cleaner works the same as that little man.... scrubbing the built up yuck from the inside of your drains so they are no longer run SLOW.

If your intestines don't have all of that built up yuck on the walls your body is able to absorb the nutrients it needs. About 70% of your immune system is located in your digestive track. If your gut is clean it makes the whole process work better. As if that was not enough when you eat diatomaceous earth the honey comb shape of it traps and carry things out of your digestive track.

Diatomaceous earth is so much more than a detox.. eating DE on a regular basis causes a ripple effect that starts in your gut and helps every part of your body.

DE is one of Mother Natures miracles indeed.

To Your Good Health!

To read more about this all natural product that is good for everyone and every thing   Click here

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