I get asked a lot how to take diatomaceous earth. Everyone is different so we all have to find the way that is BEST for US.
It is important to remember that we are only talking about "Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth"

I personally have taken DE many ways....
Mixing it with:
Orange Juice
Tomato Juice
Cranberry Juice
To be honest I can't remember ALL of the ways that I have tried diatomaceous earth.

The Very Best way for me to take diatomaceous earth is to put it in my "Magic Bullet" and whip it with vanilla yogurt and a splash of 2% milk. I drink it as a smoothie. I sometimes add a protein packet or some fresh fruit.

Everyone is different and using my "Magic Bullet" has been the best way for me to Eat My Dirt!
How do you take Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth?

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