The world's largest social networks reach an income of several billion dollars a year by offering users free use of its pages.
The goal is GlobAllShare' users not only use but also feel part of the global community and the form of the way that best suits them. Therefore GlobAllShare owner provides status for all users in the form of free shares during the acquisition of preparation period.
GlobAllShare Each member who joins the network and participate in the global expansion during the preparation period, you can get GlobAllShare actions totally free and each month receive a share of global benefits, after launch.
Take part of the overall benefit

GlobAllShare share the overall benefit to all users taking part in the global expansion during the preparatory period.
After the release of 70% of the overall profit will be distributed among the shareholders according to the number of shares and all shareholders will get a steady monthly income.
GlobAllShare shareholders not only receive a monthly fee, but may also sell the shares at face value, so they can get a larger amount, immediately.
Get your own actions

In the community you can get GlobAllShare actions during the preparation period easily. All you have to do is invite your friends to the page GlobAllShare.
As soon as you get five of your friends you invite, you get a GlobAllShare action. But not only for the invitation from your friends you can get own actions, but by every user invited by your friends, because if your friend reaches five approved invitations, you also get a new action GlobAllShare, followed in seven levels.
As soon as you get five of your friends you invite, you get a GlobAllShare action. But not only for the invitation from your friends you can get own actions, but by every user invited by your friends, because if your friend reaches five approved invitations, you also get a new action GlobAllShare, followed in seven levels.
continuous input

In the global community GlobAllShare get a steady monthly income through your actions, because each month you will receive a portion of the overall benefit, based on the number of your actions.
If you get invited five friends to join the social network GlobAllShare, friends and guests are also invited five of his friends in the seven levels followed at your level, you get the next installment in every month.
Level 1 5 guests 1 GAS Action
Level February 25 guests 5 GAS Action
Level 3 125 guests 25 GAS Action
Guests Level 4 625 125 GAS Action
Level 5 625 3 125 guests GAS Action
Level 6 15 625 3 125 guests GAS Action
Level 7 78 125 15 625 guests GAS Action
GAS 19,531 Total Action
As an example, you can get a total of 19,531 shares GlobAllShare free, ensuring a monthly fee after the global release. For example, if every action brings only a fee of $ 0.25 of the total monthly benefit, your monthly income will reach $ 5,000. Your monthly payment can reach 0.5 or 1 per share, so you can easily get a monthly income of 10,000 or 20,000 dollars.
The number and value of your actions, so as the amount of your monthly payment appears in your web office.
Instant money

In the community of GlobAllShare not only receive a fee or ongoing monthly income based on your actions, but you can also get a larger sum immediately.
Following the global launch you can sell your shares at nominal value, so you can get a larger sum immediately. For example, if the nominal value of the shares is $ 10 after release and hold 19,531 shares GlobAllShare, as was indicated in the example, can sell for $ 195,531, so get a larger sum immediately. Of course, the nominal value of the shares may be up to 20 or 40 dollars, depending on the number of users of the social network GlobAllShare.
Note that the shares can be acquired by users GlobAllShare only during the preparation period and based on the activity and only those users will get shares at the time of the global launch, participating in the development of GlobAllShare.
After the release there will be another issue of shares and the new shares may be acquired will only users who have participated in the overall development of GlobAllShare and therefore have received shares.

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