The toenail fungus or Onychomycosis is a particular kind of infection that grows under the surface of nail through the action of fungi. With the long hold of such microorganisms, the nail provides indication in the form of foul smell and dark color. With the collection of debris under the nail plate there is frequent appearance of white marks over the nail. This strong infection has the capability to easily spread over other nails or skin. In the ignorance conditions, the contamination possibly impairs the ability to work or walk. In the painful situation, a person feels difficulty in nail trimming or at the time of wearing shoes. 

Cause of Onychomycosis- Best treatment for toenail fungus demands the precautions especially from such kind of microscopic organisms that belong to a group of dermatophyte fungi and all the varying treatments totally depend on the nature or severity of infection. The major cause of toenail fungus is-

1.    Contact with fungi like small organism that mostly found in the damp areas and get easily attached to a human body at the time of barefoot walking in swimming pools, locker rooms or at the time of shower.
2.    Such microscopic organisms easily invade to skin through tiny visible or invisible cuts.
3.    It becomes more problematic for the person, who suffers with chronic diseases like diabetes, immune deficiency and circulatory problems.
4.    The other contributory factors are athlete's foot and excessive perspiration. 
5.    Working in humid environment. 

Symptoms of Onychomycosis- The process provides clear symptoms in the form of nail thickness and discoloration situation. At the higher stage of infection, the nail become-

1.    Thick and dark colored. 
2.    Brittle and ragged.
3.    Dullness in the absence of shine.
4.    Get the distorted shape.

Risk factors- The underneath or surrounding skin becomes inflamed or painful with white or yellow colored patches. The person has to suffer with different kind of risk factors in treatment with aging due to-

1.    Weak blood circulation.
2.    The long time exposure to fungi.
3.    The growth of nails becomes slow with age and hardness factor increases that make more susceptible reasons of infection.

Best treatment for toenail fungus- With the proper diagnosis and test, the doctor scrapes some debris for analysis to identify the cause of infection. To avoid the repeat infections the person has to use antifungal cream and ointments in order to get the effective results. With the proper medication there is the need to keep your feet clean and dry. The person will get the other treatment options in the form of antifungal lacquer, topical medications and surgery. Antifungal lacquer is prescribed in case of mild to moderate infection. The topical medications including cream and lotion that contains urea are helpful in speed up the absorption. At the time of extreme and severe pain, the doctors provide the suggestion of surgery for the removal of nail. Moreover, you can also search for the online medical help that can provide you some really effective medicated products to get rid of these infections. 

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