Summertime, and the living is…sweaty. While sweat itself may be an uncomfortable nuisance, for some men it provides a breeding ground for the dreaded jock itch, a rash that affects the groin area. This itchy, unsightly rash can interfere with a man’s male organ health and sensual life, and is therefore worth avoiding at all costs. While prevention is preferable, it also behooves a man to know what treatment options he can seek out in case jock itch does occur. Below, men can find more information about the source of this rash, as well as prevention and treatment tips.

What is Jock Itch?

While any rash in the groin area may be referred to as jock itch, it more specifically denotes a rash that is caused by an overgrowth of the tinea cruris fungus. This fungus is a fan of warm, moist environments. The rash thus tends to begin in the groin folds, and can spread to the manhood, balls, rear and thighs. It is comprised of tiny red bumps that itch intensely, and the rash has sharply-defined edges.

Jock itch is a highly contagious rash; anything that comes into contact with the rash can pick up the fungus and transfer it to others. Washing clothing and towels after use is therefore something an affected man should do, along with keeping his personal care items to himself.


It’s hard for some men to prevent jock itch, particularly those who play sports or perform manual labor. The risk increases during the warm months when sweat is abundant.

But there are steps any man can take to fend off the fungus:

·        -  Wear light, breathable clothing, such as cotton boxers.

·        -  Use powder on the groin to keep the region dry.

·         - Take some extra time to rinse off the groin area more than once a day.

·         - Bring a change of clothes to places one spends a lot of time, such as work or a lover’s place.

·         - Don’t use personal care items or clothing used by other guys.

·       -  If a man has athlete’s foot, he should treat that, since the same fungus is involved and can be transferred to the groin.

·         - Trim the hedges. Less hair = less sweat.


Despite a man’s best efforts, jock itch may occur. For many cases of jock itch, an over-the-counter antifungal cream is enough to tackle the rash. It’s important for guys to use the cream for the designated number of days, even if the rash fades before the end of that time period, in order to prevent a resurgence.

Some cases of jock itch are more formidable and require prescription creams or medications.

If a man has never had jock itch before, he should consider going to a doctor for an official diagnosis. There are many causes of manhood rash – partner-transmitted infections, yeast infections and bacterial infections – and they require different forms of treatment. So if a man isn’t positive that tinea cruris is the source of his condition, he should make sure of it before pursuing treatment.

Along with dealing with the source of jock itch, it’s important for guys to show their skin some extra love during this time. In the aftermath of the itchy rash, men may notice their skin is flaky and sore from the scratching they likely did while suffering jock itch.

While too much moisture in the groin region is certainly a problem, not enough can cause its own issues. Once the rash has cleared up, men can consider making use of a good male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A crème with a combination of moisturizers like Shea butter and vitamin E will boost skin condition beyond its pre-rash state. Specifically formulated for the male organ, Man1 Man Oil won’t leave the skin greasy like some body creams can, and it is free of irritating ingredients. Men can consider such a product part of a healthy daily routine for the manhood.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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