There are numerous Charities in UK which are into serving the needy across the globe irrespective of caste, creed or color. These charities also include Islamic charities who are in the service of the down trodden muslims round the world, mostly targeted to countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan where there is a huge chunk of muslims living way below the poverty level and deprived of even the basic necessities of day to day life including food, clothes, shelter, water and medicine. These Islamic charities procure donations from around the world and utilize them for the welfare of such masses which are made up of kids, women and jobless men, the old and sick people.
Aim and Objectives Of The Charities - The main objectives of these Islamic charities and the other charities which are registered with the British Council include addressing and working upon the root causes of poverty. Working upon training communities to deal with natural disasters and preparing for the same in advance as well as providing all the required aid and relief needed on the occurrence of such disasters. Another significant objective is working towards sustainable development of communities by providing them livelihood opportunities.
Here is a run down some of the development programs undertaken by these charities. 

Education For The Needy – One of the root causes of poverty and suffering has been lack of education. Hence, towards working on this problem at the grass root level, many of the charities in UK are working in the areas of providing educational infrastructure and facilities to the poor people. The programs for the same include creation of schools and colleges in the remote areas and creating awareness amongst the poor regarding the importance of education in their children’s and their own lives. Here is a run down some of the developmental and relief programs carried out by these charities under the sun
Health Programs For The Needy – There are hundreds and thousands of infants, women, men and the old who die of various health issues only because of lack of facilities to treat the same or lack of money to treat these issues. Hence, in order to provide health facilities to these suffering people, the Islamic relief of UK undertake various programs which include medical camps around the habitat of these communities with free medical check -up facilities, free surgeries for the needy be it pregnancy, cancer, etc., plus free medicines and more.  These charities also provide preventive facilities which include building shelter, toilets, providing mosquito nets as well as soap and clean water, as basic as that.
Water and Livelihood Programs For The Needy – Water is one of the basic requirements of the poor communities and there are these places on earth where people have to walk miles to get just a can full of water that too not clean and hygienic. Hence, these charities work towards providing safe drinking water by digging up wells, bore wells as well as water on wheels facilities. For the young men who are out of work, these charities undertake training programs in small scale businesses like weaving, rearing domestic animals, handicraft skills and more so that these people can stand on their feet, manage their families on their own and grow.
These are just some of the programs and developmental activities of the top UK charities and Islamic charities. There are many more development programs and areas on which these charities are working so that our society becomes a happy, healthy society and so that someday poverty is banished from the society forever.
Mary Cotter provides information about charities in UK. For more information click here Mary Cotter Gplus.

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