The population of muslims in the world is the highest as compared to any other religion. Be it Asia or Europe or the middle east or any other continent, the population of the muslims is very high. But, the flip side of the coin is that many of these muslim nations are living below the poverty line. To help the muslim brothers and sisters, there are quite a few charities that work day and night. These are NGO’s which are registered with the government under Islamic charity or muslim charities. They carry out lot of initiatives and projects in the regions that are the most affected by poverty, unemployment, lack of basic necessities and more. Various projects undertaken by the Islamic and the muslim charities include development and welfare of people and places they live in. 

Initiatives for Women – There are a lot of projects carried out for the welfare of the women. These include providing night schools for them to study, teaching them skillful activities like handicraft, weaving, stitching and more so that they can start earning their livelihood. Projects also include free education for girls. Lately the Islamic charity has also build a hostel exclusively for the homeless women. 

Initiatives for Kids – There are thousands of muslim kids who are not even getting their daily meals completely. For orphan kids who do not have a home, these muslim charities build orphanages. In remote areas where there are no schools, these charities build schools and run them so that the poor children can get their education there for free. There are few significant projects that these muslim charities have carried out. One of it is adopt a child project where in financially well to do families adopt a child and take the responsibility of his or her education, clothing, and all other needs. 

Initiatives for men – Muslim charities with the objective of creating work opportunities for the unemployed men, help them start their own business which includes craft making, weaving, tailoring, masonary work and more. They also provide financial help other than the basic training for running a small scale business. Some significant development and welfare projects also include de-addiction camps for the men who are into drinking and drugs. 

Initiative for the old – The muslim charities have constructed old age homes as well as hospitals which provide treatment to the old for free or less charges. They also frequently set up medical check up camps in remote regions where hi-tech health facilities or healthcare is not available. 

Other Initiatives – The other initiatives of development and reform undertaken by the muslim and the Islamic charities include projects for providing safe drinking water to families living in remote villages where there is scarcity of water. This project includes digging of wells, bore wells or provision of water with the help of tankers to these families. There are villages where even toilet facilities are not available. These charities build common toilets or community toilets for the people. They also carry out health care programs which include eye check up, TB check up, maternity camps and more. 

Thus, these charities are in a way serving God by serving his dear people.

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