Diabetes in children is also known as juvenile diabetes,
but more commonly known as type 1 diabetes. It is the most
common form of diabetes in children with ninety to
ninety-five percent of carriers being under 16.

Juvenile diabetes is caused by the inability of the
pancreas to produce insulin. It is an autoimmune disease,
which means the bodies own defense system attacks the
body’s tissues or organs.

In the last 30 years the number of juvenile diabetes had
increased three times over and in Europe and the US we are
now seeing type 2 diabetes in children for the first time.

Obesity easily explains type 2, but not why there is such a
rise in type 1 diabetes in children. It is believed that a
mixture of genetics and environmental factors are what
triggers juvenile diabetes. But the majority of children
don’t have a family history of diabetes.

The symptoms for juvenile diabetes are the same as in
adults. Thirst, weight loss, fatigue, frequent urination is
typical, but diabetes in children can also increase stomach
pains, headaches and behavior problems.

Doctors should consider the possibility of diabetes in
children who have unexplained stomach pains for a few
weeks, along with the typical symptoms.

If you believe your child may be experiencing these
symptoms you should schedule them for a thorough
examination and tell your doctor what you suspect your
child may have. Be sure to tell them about any and all
symptoms your child may be experiencing.


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