Many men are perfectly content to stick to "typical" solo entertainments involving their hands, a little lotion and their male organs, but others crave a more adventurous experience, even if it results in manhood pain. Those interested in the much more adventurous experience of male organ sounding should be aware that it carries a significant risk of injury and is discouraged by health professionals; however, if a man does indulge in this extreme form of entertainment, he needs to ensure that his male organ health is not compromised in the process.

Okay. So what is sounding?

Technically, sounding is a medical process in which a urologist insults a probe (called a sound) into the urethra of the male organ. This is done to widen the urethra so that any obstructions can be located. (A sound may also be used in the urethra when a man is getting his male organ pierced.) Sounding originally was developed as a way of treating certain partner-transmitted infections.

Sounding as pleasure

At some point, men discovered that the insertion of a sound creates a pleasurable sensation in the male organ. This may go back years before the medical sound was created; men have been doing inventive things with their tools for as long as they have had hands, and it's likely that some men were inserting things into the urethra just to see what would happen long before the medical community developed the sound.

The routine

Those who engage in sounding for sensual interest generally recommend the following:

  • The man should be lying down flat on his back before inserting the sound.
  • It is absolutely crucial that the sound is sterile before it is inserted into the male organ.
  • A good amount of lubrication is also essential.
  • The male organ must be soft when the sound is inserted.
  • In actuality, one is supposed to let the male organ engulf the sound rather than to push the sound down the male organ.
  • Keep supporting the sound once it is inserted so that it doesn't fall over.
  • A gentle tap on the sound when it is in place will cause the vibrations that are supposed to produce pleasure.
  • If the male organ becomes firm while the sound is inserted, do not remove the sound until it is soft again.

The dangers

The dangers associated with male organ sounding are presumably obvious: it simply is not a good idea to stick anything down the urethra. (And some practitioners of sounding don't stick with sounds but use a wide range of other objects which are even less appropriate and more dangerous.)

Among the problems that can result from sounding, aside from simply a sore male organ, are tears and damage to the urethra and to the muscles of the male organ. Serious damage can result in reproductive issues, as well as in urination challenges.

Clearly, whether a man wants to risk these issues in order to explore a  new solo technique is a personal decision; but if a man does wish to try sounding, he should (1) make sure that he follows all instructions included with the device exactly, and (2) be extremely careful.

The male organ pain that can result from improperly sounding is not pleasurable; however, for manhood pain that is more topical in nature and that results from the everyday wear and tear of a male organ, men are advised to take advantage of a top drawer male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). In addition to helping to soothe achiness, the proper cream is going to enhance the health of the equipment in question. To get the most benefit, a man should investigate the ingredients list of each cream and select one that includes an emollient such as shea butter to moisturize and soothe the male organ; a powerful antioxidant such as alpha lipoic acid, which can help slow down the aging process of manhood skin cells; and vitamin C, which is an important structural component of blood vessels. 

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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