Most of my adult life, I worked as a waitress, I also did some shift manager work. that all came to an end at the end of April 2010 when the restaurant I worked in closed its doors permanently due to selling to a bank. As a mom of 4, I was naturally scared of being without work and the economy the way it was but thankfully I have my backup plan or PLAN B!!  I work from home helping people everyday. This has truly blessed my family because now I do not have to worry about finding another job because I have a reliable income that will last a lifetime and can will it to my kids so they will be taken care of for life!  Years ago, working from home was considered risky, but now, working a regular job is what is risky because of layoffs, closings, and all around job insecurity. I am proud to be able to stay home and take care of my family!!!

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