The most painful and embarrassing kind of acne is cystic acne. Its treatment is hardest as well. Most of the medication plans include drugs and treatments, which are not available very often.

In case you suspect to have this kind of acne, you should start your treatment as soon as possible. It"��s often difficult to make a quick appointment with a dermatologist and sometimes might even take up to 2 months. Thus, you should make an appointment by phone as soon as you think you might need the assistance for your cystic acne treatment.

It is important that the treatment is started quickly, since cystic acne leaves scars and causes the skin"��s pitting. The defects are frequently obsolete, filled with matter and a purple or red hue to the skin around it. The nodules usually have 5 mm in diameter.

Dermatologists can provide you the best options for your skin and acne types available. Cystic acne doesn"��t simply disappear, and even if it does, it will take weeks for treatment.

One of the natural treatments you may try at home, while you"��re waiting for your dermatology appointment, involves squeezing a fresh apricot and applying it to the skin. Frequently, this procedure brings relief from pain and might help to treat the cysts faster. You may apply and leave it on the face several hours before going to bed.

You will be offered with several treatments for acne by the dermatologist. The first is Isotrtinoin pill "�" the patient has to take it for 20 days. There are many side effects on this pill, including drying of the eyes and lips, muscle aches, chest pain, depression, and severe birth defects. Therefore, a woman, who chooses this treatment, has to be on two kinds of birth control to assure that she is not pregnant.

One of the safest treatments is an acne cortisone injection straight to the nodule to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation. The acne cortisone injection will stop the infection and will start working immediately. It can only be applied to existing nodules. There are not many side effects. One very odd side effect is the skin lighting around the injection site. it only happens among dark skinned individuals.

There are also few other treatments, like Accutane, or oral contraceptives (for women), but they are not that efficient and can bring up lots of side effects.

Cystic acne treatment is important to maintain face"��s color without pitting and scarring. Sufferers using nutrition, hygiene and medical treatments must be able to improve their skin"��s condition and decrease their eruptions.

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