YOBSN -  Revenue Sharing Social Network
                The World Has Ever Known

YOBSN -  Your Own Branded Social Network is the the Product of Smart Media Technologies, USA.The Company has spent Millions of Dollars to develop this over past four years.YOBSN, The Internet Superstar has started to take the world by storm.

Bold & Astonishing BUT TRUE
YOBSN is a Revenue Sharing Social Network The Word Has Ever Known. This is Bold & Astonishing Statement BUT it is TRUE.Free members have Bonanza of features & facilities along with Prizes & Rewards based on Social Points generated for using this,playing games,promoting to more free members,clicking the prize boxes daily and so on.

The Paid Members (One Time Membership Fee) called as YOBSN owners have right to brand the social network, advertise their other business and excellent opportunity to earn big money with Active & Passive streams from YOBSN Business.

Revenue Sharing
The company shares 40% advertisement revenue in terms of Money to Paid members and 10 % in terms of  Prizes &  cash Rewards to Free Members with no strings attached.The company is Highly Ethical Genuine & debt free company which has been in operation since past 10 years in the field of developing high end software headed by owner & CEO Mr. David Martin.

Proven Business Formula

The business is a proven formula over the years such as Google,Facebook, Yahoo,Twitter etc.based on giving valuable service/facility free to users,generate traffic and get huge Advertisement Revenue, BUT with a big difference.Here, the company shares the revenue with the members! and gives lot of facilities/services absolutely Free !!!

Please watch this 8 min video which tells the story.

You may Register free at


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