Every so often, the board is wiped clean and there are moments of quietness in history. Then, from out of nowhere, new ideas, new products, new services, new artists, engineers, BURST onto the world stage.

There is a new Social Search Engine that ...may represent the most amazing merger of 3 mega-trends on the internet. Connecting & Sharing with Social Media; Networks / Keyword Ownership & Trade / social-interaction tag phrases as the new "search-engine".
Never before have we seen such technologies come together successfully?in this way?. Never.

Those who are relying on affiliate programs to give them a financial cushion are in a phenomenal position to capitalize on what could be the next "Billion" dollar brand. Members get paid for their participation on the social site. Imagine uploading a picture or video on Facebook. Now imagine Facebook sharing its revenue generated from advertisers with you!!. Tagvillage is changing the landscape in social media by sharing revenue generated from advertisers with it members. They hope to capture a small percentage of this Billion dollars market and share the revenue with its members.

Tagvillage is a social site that talks to other social sites. Post information on your Tagvillage page and your friends will see it on the social sites you tell Tagvillage to broadcast to. Upload a picture to your Tagvillage photo album and it automatically updates photo albums on other sites.

Tagvillage, Inc. is a Texas Corporation headquarted in Buda, Texas (just outside of Austin). The idea has been developing for a while, but the company itself was formally incorporated September 15, 2010. The corporation is owned by 12 stockholders, governed by a Board of Directors and managed by Executive Officers.

For more information visit http://www.tagvillage.com/?refid=delevett

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