For those parents who want their children to learn about the Bible while receiving a standard education, consider purchasing some of the many Veggie Tales DVD’s that are currently available in Christian Book stores and other children’s movie retailers.  These DVD’s teach children about God, especially the fact that he loves them and made each of them individually special and unique.  For the past 20 years, the company has been staffed by parents with children who care about the quality of what they are learning about and watching on TV.

For many parents, they contend that these DVD’s have helped their children start developing a healthier body and mind as they are growing up.  As your child watches their Veggie Tales DVD’s, they will enjoy getting to know the many characters in these stories such as Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, and the rest of the gang.  Watch them deal with life’s ups and downs and how they interact with their friends while living a Christian lifestyle.  The following are 3 of the most important characters in the series:

•    Bob the Tomato – Bob plays a central role in every episode or story and is the more serious member of the cast.  He introduces the story in the beginning of each of the Veggie Tales DVD’s and elaborates on the biblical lesson contained within the story at the end of it.

•    Junior Asparagus – one of the series’ more active characters and co-stars, Junior stars as the playful child whose wisdom exceeds their years of age.  As a result, he is one of the more popular characters in the series.

•    Larry the Cucumber - Mike Nawrocki, the co-founder of the Veggie Tales DVD’s series, is the voice of Larry, the amiable joker of the gang.  He is usually responsible for the majority of the gags and pranks that occur in each episode of the series.

Veggie Tales DVD’s are the perfect alternative to the different cartoons and series that play on computers or televisions and glorify financial success, sex, violence, and wars.  Each episode or story is based on Christianity’s moral principles but is also applicable for children of the Judaic faith.  The characters of the Veggie Tales are so much more than just talking vegetables.  Not only are these some of the most popular children’s shows on the market today, they have a Christian focus and are virtue centered.

Another great idea to consider is to have a themed birthday party for your child that includes one of the many Veggie Tales DVD’s as part of the entertainment.  Many of your child’s friends may not know about these DVD’s so they benefit from them as well while being entertained at the same time.  Parents of all Christian denominations are always looking for different ways of teaching their children about the Bible and its scriptures as well as living a Christian lifestyle.  Although these shows do not pronounce a specific doctrine, they have been deemed suitable and teach various Christian principles.

For further information regarding Veggie Tales videos pleas visit us at

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