Are your Kids so attached to their MP3 players that the head sets need surgical removal?

Do your Kids or Grand Kids have their MP3 players permanently plugged into to their ears?

Here is an Idea especially as Christmas is coming up and its time to start thinking about gifts.

As they like listening to their MP3 players so much, have you thought about giving an Audio Book?
Are they Studying a Foreign language?

What better way to learn than by actually listening using their MP3 player?

What about students studying Arts and Drama, History, or Business, and so on?

Audio Books are in fact a great gift idea for anyone for any occasion.

Do you have someone in the family or a friend that is blind or has impaired vision?

What about yourself?

Do you enjoy a good book but just don't find the time to sit down and read anymore?
Do you need to keep the kids entertained while you get something done?

How about H. C. Anderson's Fairy Tales for example?

Have you always wanted to learn a new language but never found the time?

As an example Spanish in No time.

or what about French, German, Italian, Japanese, or Chinese (Cantonese). There is a wide selection to choose from.

Well now all of these things are possible, and what's more you don't need to spend time at the book store or wait for it to be delivered.

You can listen to Audio Books at almost any time using an MP3 player or you can burn to a CD to play from your CD player.

Listen while commuting, doing household chores, mowing the grass, walking around the supermarket, working out at the gym or jogging.
The possibilities are endless.

There are 14 different categories such as,
Arts and Drama
Foreign Language Study
Religion and Spiritual
Self Help
just to name some of them.

Most of the categories have sub sections as well giving a total of 160 categories in all.

Why not have a browse around the site and see for yourself the wide selection that there is.

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