Dogs are man's best friend, without a doubt. But just like humans, each dog has a different personality and may even suffer from different medical conditions. Those medical issues may not be physical, and just as humans suffer from various mental problems so can dogs. Among these, dog anxiety is certainly the most common problem facing dogs. While it may sound silly, the fact is that dog anxiety is a very real issue and something that may actually be having a big impact on your dog's actions.

There are a few tell-tale signs that your pooch may have dog anxiety. Understanding the symptoms will help you figure out if you need to take steps to help your dog overcome this problem. Here are some of the most common things that could suggest dog anxiety.

•    Barking or Howling – Barking and howling are the two main ways that a dog communicates, and they're also the most common ways that they may exhibit dog anxiety. The key is to identify anxiety barking versus regular barking. When there's a problem, they'll bark or howl when presented with a specific trigger. It may be separation anxiety, when they bark or howl when left alone. Or perhaps noise triggers it. Loud noises may set them off.

•    Urination or Defecation – Loss of bowel or bladder control is common as well. Again, when it occurs every time the dog is left alone, hears loud noises, is confined, or faces some other situation, you'll know that the problem is causing your dog anxiety.

•    Physical Signs – Things like a tucked tail, hiding, trembling, and whining are obvious signs that your dog is afraid. When they happen regularly, it may be a sign of dog anxiety.

These are just a few of the signs. The main thing to remember is that you need to identify the specific problem that is causing the anxiety. Some dogs are naturally fearful and skittish, but usually you can track down the main cause of the dog's fear. It's important that you don't overreact and punish your dog because of their fear. Urination, for example, may be uncontrollable and you shouldn't punish the animal for something they can't control.

In many cases, speaking to a vet is a good idea. This is because the vet will often help rule out serious problems. Viral infections or poisoning may cause sudden symptoms of anxiety, and it's important to look into these before you begin other methods of managing the issue.

Your dog may need your help. If you start to notice these problems you'll want to consider all of your options. There are various behavioral programs and guides available that may help you reign in the issue. The key is to be as patient as you can and to work with your four legged friend to help them overcome their fears and anxiety. It may take a lot of time and work, but you shouldn't give up on them. They wouldn't give up on you, and together you can eliminate most of the fear.

For further information regarding treating dog anxiety, please

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