Exam anxiety is a universal phenomenon. Every student approaches a big test with a high level of anxiety. It causes a lot of problems in students, such as upset stomach, headache, and loss of focus, fear, irritability, anger and even depression. Stress and anxiety can block a student’s ability to absorb, retain and recall information. It creates a kind mental static in the brain that blocks or inhibits one’s ability to retrieve the info stored in memory.

It is a known fact that schools these days have a comprehensive syllabus; particularly the CBSE schools in Delhi propose a thorough curriculum which gives students a better understanding of concepts. Students are required to put up with the entire curriculum with in a stipulated time of a session. This often puts a toll on them and stresses them out during exams. 

Here are a few tips from the expert faculty at Presidium Senior Secondary School, one of the best school in Delhi. Incorporating these at your home and in schools will be of great help in preparing students ahead of time to better prepare them emotionally and physically for exams and tests.

Be neutral to emotions:

Whenever you have apprehensions about whether you will do well or not in an exam, try to be neutral to that thought. It’s imperative that you catch the negative thoughts that spread self-doubt or uncomfortable feelings. Being neutral to the negative thought will stop the thought midway and stop it from building up in your mind.

A good meditative technique that you can practice is to focus on the area around your heart and while taking deep breaths. Breathe quietly and naturally for 5 seconds and concentrate on your breath while inhaling and exhaling. Try to find an attitude of calmness about the situation as it will help to take the focus off your negative thoughts. Practice it every day and in the days leading up to the test.

Address the what-if questions:

Often times before we appear for an exam, a lot of anxiety builds up in the form of negative questions that we keep asking ourselves, like, ‘what if I forget everything’, ‘what if I fail’ or ‘what if I am not able to finish on time’. Try turning these questions into positive thoughts. Example: What if I can remember more than I think I can? Or What if I can be calmer than I think I can?

Positive thoughts:

Scientific research has shown that positive thoughts and feelings like appreciation can actually help the brain function better. Every time you feel nervous or anxious, try to remember the positive moments of your life, think about something good. It could be about your pet, or the way you feel when you mom gives you a loving hug. Hold this feeling for 10-20 seconds, it is important that you let yourself feel that goodness all over again. You can practice this as many times as you want to.

Get enough sleep:

Exam time consumes a lot of your energy. Your brain requires energy to function and sleep is a great way to conserve as well as build-up the energy reserves. Always ensure that you get at least 10 hours of sleep the especially the night before the exam.

Eat a hearty breakfast:

Your brain needs a lot of energy to maintain focus on a big test for several hours. Eating a hearty and healthy breakfast that incorporates complex carbohydrates and protein will make your energy last longer. Foods such as eggs, cereal and whole-wheat toast help energize your brain for longer periods of time. Consuming sugary drinks or cookies will give you that fast-disappearing bolt of energy and will not last long. Practicing healthy eating habits in advance of and during an exam can help students considerably in limiting their anxiety. It will also help them perform better in school as well.

Presidium is one of the best schools in North Delhi and it believes in nurturing their students. They focus on their all round development. It is imperative that students are in good mental as well as physical health. To ensure that they don’t suffer in exams due to anxiety or stress, the faculty at Noble High has devised these easy to follow strategies that do help students a lot. Incorporate these tips in your daily routine and see the change yourself.

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