I love analogies....Analogies make it easier for people to understand when you explain your point of view....People are able to form a more clear image in their mind.

I have thought of a Great Analogy for my Tool Business.

Everyone needs a place to live...they also need the extras such as lights, heat, water that sort of thing. Well I have a great place to live and the price that I pay includes the lights, water, heat... it even includes the phone and the cable. Imagine that, getting everything all for one price. The place has everything I need.... all for one price and all in one place...

What makes it even better is.. I have the option of renting out a place exactly like the one I have. Everyone needs what I have.... a place to live and those extras that most people have to go looking else where for. So when I get someone to rent out a place just like I have I am reducing the cost of what I am investing in my place.

So I can have my own place to live... with all of the extras included in one place and one price OR I can SHARE the information about this great deal with others.When I do that,  I get the cost of my place reduced and we  ALL have a great place live with all of the extras included in one place and one price.

I am in the Tool Business..... Global NPN has everything in one place at one price. I offer what everyone needs.. all in one place and all for one price. It doesn't get much better than that.

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