Gangnam Style - Do you Make Sales or Customers

gangnam style

Gangnam Style has taken over the world with the spinner top moves and slight flare that snatches your eyes, mind and soul for those forgiving moments. Please! I need to see it again. And again.


Let me get this straight you bend one arm while attempting to lasso each and every almost billion viewers with the other arm, although, I watched it about a hundred times. Oh, I'm sorry you're doing this while motioning that you have to pee really, really bad! Wait, there's more you lock you wrist like jail is your only option.

Then I got it the difference between him and us is he didn't care what anyone thought. He was going to rise to the top or go down swinging with what he got. We need to get that momentum and use it to attract customers.

Do you concentrate on  sells or customers?  In the Gangnam method I keep coming back for more but rusty old sells pitch is just that... customers draw to fresh and shocking pitches that leaves them addicted to more.

People know cigarettes are bad but they want more. Getting drunk isn't fun but I just did it last night. That bad boy that you know is no good keep inhaling every lousy feel so good moment! Don't you ladies?

If you fight hard for that one sale and you don't draw them in you will fight even harder for the next sale and so forth. Next is the sad world when you're happy with $10 a month.

Don't miss out this wealth of knowledge given freely!

Don't copy be a "sloppy" take what works and break it up into unique little pieces. Don't steal the exact, steal the concept and work it like no one has ever worked it before! Go out swing on top or bottom, just keep swinging.

gangnam style bear

Eat your shoe on video if you have (pretend) to. Slap a wild bear on the butt with your logo and a killer sound track! OK, that was crazy. If I was still drunk though... nope still crazy but you get what I'm saying. Stop do old and worn out crap and slap a customer every now and then... OK, crazy again but you would... never mind think inside the box of your head and let the crazy out

Go   Gangnam Style on 'em!

P.S. - please don't slap a customer or ride-place bumper sticker on a wild bear's butt in both cases life expectancy may or will be shortened and I will not be held responsible for those actions.

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