One Time Offers are a powerful and effective way to add to your bottom line.
OTOs can be added to list subscriptions, 404 pages, programs, download links even unsubscribe pages and are effectively just another way of monetizing your webspace and time.
Creating your own OTO can be difficult as it takes time  and research to put together a OTO that will be appealing to the reader.
And there's always the sales page letter to create that needs to have a visual impact and be sufficiently enticing to make a proportion of readers opt to buy.
There are ways to bring these elements together - accessing PLR products and bundling them together is one way but there's still teh ad copy to write and this takes time and practice.
I have personally found OTOs to add value to my advertising campaigns and can reasonably expect a take up rate of between 1 and 3 percent.
And I don't spend anytime researching or writing sales copy - I use a program taht is free to join and that can be adapted to suit your marketing needs.
You can read my full review and watch me set up a campaign here

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