I have witnessed that young people has a very bad habit of assuming, “They Know Everything” in the beginning of there Professional life which is the major cause of their downfall in there professional career. What I believe is they should not assume that they know everything from the beginning because what they knew there is possibility it may not be TRUE. So the first and very important lesson is, “Do Not Make Assumptions” about people or process which they are following.

Let me put example of one of my own Hero who taught me so much and still I am following him as my role model. He put us in a new innovative program which he assumed is the best program because he knows everything about it and ask all of us to invest in it to make residual income from it but……That program was biggest flop and we all got stuck in it and was unable to get a single penny back from it. He accepted his mistake by saying, it was such huge mess which I have created and I apologize to all of you. Some of us accepted his excuse and decided to move on instead of living disappointed environment. But let me admit it here, “We all learn our lesson and start thinking what went wrong? And how we can avoid those mistakes to happen again?

It is a human nature in which we all love a Hero and always try to follow him but Hero’s are also humans and there is possibility of mistakes they can also do or they can also bring incorrect ideas which can disappoint us. So my advice to all of those who find themselves in disappointing situation, “they must move on and make changes to that particular incorrect idea or mistake which there hero has done and try to find a solution. They has to realize one thing which is it’s all about keeping things in perspective and recognize that it’s not THE END of the world. You can make changes and rebuild your business by avoiding mistakes and putting your more efforts towards right direction.

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