Read It Here what is dofollow?  

What is dofollow?

So many bloggers and internet marketers ask; what is dofollow? Today I answer this ongoing question of what is dofollow.

I know that you are definitely doing some type of backlink building, for your business or website; and most likely you have heard marketers talking about dofollow, and also ask what is dofollow.

Ok so let’s answer this question of what is dofollow.

Basically dofollow is when the search engines like google, bing, or yahoo crawls the all of the links on a website, it could be any type of website. To make things super simple for you dofollow is basically when a website owner allows every link in their website to get crawled by the search engines so that the links will get link juice, as a result increasing pagerank.

Any type of website could be dofollow, as long as the website owner allows all links on the website to be crawled by the search engines.

Read It Here dofollow

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