I was fortunate to get to know people who set me on the right track. This has saved me tons of time and money. Having a good resource to guide and help you is priceless. Not only for newbies; even seasoned marketers can't be experts in everything.

Anyway this help and guidance meant a lot to me and therefore I decided to start a blog for newbie marketers. Originally I started it with the Old Coot (Arthur Webster) but now a few months later we have several knowledgeable authors posting.

The nature of the blog is mainly educational although occasionally some reviews on programs are posted.

Already  a lot of marketing related topics are covered. But not all though. Still missing basic info on mobile marketing, e-book writing (also for Amazone Kindle) and some others. So if you are knowledge in that or other internet marketing topics contact me.

Default settings on this blog is subscriber; this means you can read and comment but not post topics. It is necessary to maintain quality. However I can change role from subscriber to author.

I hope you will visit my blog Newbie Marketers and comment on some topics, this will create quality back links for you. Comments are monitored though and will only be accepted if they ad value to the topic.

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