Its been my experience in my blogging that your titles are very important in your blogs but more important than your title is the body of your blog. You can have the best title in the world but when people read your blog and see that your content isn't matching the title that drew them in they'll just click off. It took me a lot of trial and error to get it right and I still consider myself a blogging newbie. Make sure your blog is not one long run on sentence, in other words make sure you have some white space in between your paragraphs because we drift off if we don't see some spacing.


Plenty of people are intimidated by blogging and they don't have to be, I started off blogging once a week and before I knew it my writing got better with each blog. Its now pretty simple not to mention the link love I'm getting from the Google Spiders because Google loves fresh content and consistency. Now I'm at the point where I can blog at least once a day. Yu never know who you can help with your blogs, also I make sure I use analytics for my blogs and all my other links because what's the use of Marketing if you don't have a clue where your traffic is coming from. That way you know what's working and what's not and you can adjust where needed.

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