There is a steady influx of new social networking sites on the internet. Twitter isn't a huge departure from any of its brethren. Twitter is a social media community with the the easy-to-grasp concept of "What are you doing?" or where people can just update everyone on their lives as often as they like. It allows you to post every small update about what you are doing or even any immediate thoughts that you want to share with the others.  You can share whatever crosses your mind, but you must do so in 140 characters or less. Keep your messages short, sweet and snappy while packing as much information in them as possible.


Firstly, you need to get a Twitter account right away if you don't have one.  Without it, you can't start driving traffic. After its free sign up you can then search for anyone you may know either personally or through business and connect with them. Once you have your account you need to work on your profile, upload photos or a logo and, most importantly, add a link to your site/blog. Unlike other social networking sites out there Twitter is only for 'micro-blogging', this means you can not save photo albums or the like on it.


  You can however upload some pictures to share with your Twitter contacts, this can be done by cell phone, through your PC or other mobile methods.  Once you have a Twitter account, you're now ready to follow different people.  Following a person on Twitter is much like receiving regular updates from someone you have subscribed to. These updates will be shown on your own profile page.  To follow a person, all you have to do is click on the button that says follow located below the picture on their profile page. This is a good tactic to drive traffic, because you will notice that the more people you follow, the more they will return the favor back to you by following you.



can use Twitterfeed to context your website's RSS feed to your Twitter account  Then when you add something to your RSS feed it will connect to your Twitter account and duplicate the posting there. This will ensure that your updates are posted on a regular basis. Don't bombard people though, you wouldn't want to be the latest spammer everyone hates. You want do your best to have a balance of natural tweets and these Twitterfeed updates. Marketers who want to have access to targeted traffic that can convert to sales have found that Twitter can really be a boon to their business. In order to really win big using Twitter you do have to invest the time and care it takes to make it work. To drive traffic where you need it market consistently, update your account both automatically and in conversation and cultivate a large following of tweeters.



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