Surfwidget - beta.

Now for the big news. What is Surfwidget?

First Ever! Surf Widget A true advertising exchange revolution. Check it out:

Well it just may be the next evolution in advertising exchanges.
First there was the banner exchange, then the startpage exchange and
the traffic exchange all of which still work great. Now there is
Surfwidget! Surfwidget can be like all of the other exchanges


You can surf it like a traffic exchange. You can add it 

to your own blog or website like a banner exchange. You can set
to your home page on your browser like a startpage exchange.
You can even add it into other traffic exchanges as it`s own page.
All of the above earns you credits so you can keep advertising.
Plus you can add your favorite social networks to make more
Friends and Connections then ever before.

Plus you can earn credits from your referrals and commissions too!

Surfwidget is the most versatile widget yet from Widgetquik.

So please check it out and let me know what you think?

Advertising Exchange - Revamped!

Surf with Social Connect!
Thumbnail Surfing
Earn advertising credits by viewing and clicking
Earn when people visit your site that has SurfWidget on it.
No site, no problem! You can still use the widget just like you would a traffic exchange! Plus you get a site just like this one.
Your social connections are included in the widget and when your site is clicked! Click one of the websites in the above widget to see for yourself!
Get noticed and brand yourself while you advertise.
Branding yourself gets you Surfwidget FAME points - Rise in the ranks on our Fame Page.
Climb the ladder of FAME with every action you perform.

SurfWidget offers so much that you really should join for free and experience it for yourself.

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