Using a blog to get the word out on your business is a great marketing tool. If you can get your blog ranked higher on Google would be even better! How you go about getting that blog ranked higher can seem as elusive as the Loch Ness Monster. If you are new to blogging and aren’t sure of where to go, most will say that starting with Word Press is a good choice. It has a lot built in to it for search optimization and has a ton of plug-ins to make your blog function better.


Write with as much enthusiasm as you can without sounding too much like an annoying sales person. Find topics about your blog that are “of the moment”. You can take a news or noteworthy topic and spin it around your blog. Write often. The more often you write the more chances you have of attracting more attention. You can also ask other blogs if you can write for them like a guest writer. Add a reference and link back to your blog for increased exposure.


An article by Bamberg University sites that specialized search engines tracked over 85 million blogs by 2007. Your blog needs to have a niche to be found. It can be the most well-written and interesting blog, but if no one can find it, it doesn’t serve its purpose. There are literally millions of blogs out there about everything from polishing your car to nail polish. If you want to write a blog about nail polish, find a niche angle on nail polish.

The current trends of nail polish could be a good niche angle. Once you have established your blog as an authority on your niche you can expand. You have a bike shop and you start out writing about running a bike shop. After you are out there a while you can also include reviewing different brands of tires.


Keywords cannot be over-used. Well, don’t come across like a sales person, but insert keywords everywhere. Not sure which keywords best describe your blog? Try using the Google Adwords Keyword Tool to check. Then insert your keywords into the titles, your URL and your image ALT text.

If for example, your blog was about credit card rewards, you could easily find keywords for this niche. Credit, rewards, airlines would even be something to test. Try to consider all that encompasses your blog topic. Test them with Google Adwords and see if you are on track.

Gaining a top ranking on Google search engines can take some work. Make sure that you write well and write often. Choose a niche to write about to make it more interesting since someone has probably already written about most everything. Choose the best keywords for your blog too.

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